

About Us

About WildRock

Ally Searle is South African and moved to the Netherlands, Amsterdam, eight months ago to pursue the once long distance relationship with Jan.

Working in the Information Technology sector for 11 years was exciting and stressful at the same time and when I left Cape Town to pursue a new life in Holland, I decided to follow my passion and hence WildRock was born.

Coming from Cape Town I was concerned about adapting to the weather and lifestyle and surprisingly that was not a challenge for me at all. I now find myself living in a foreign country and speaking a foreign language which somehow reminds me of Afrikaans and that brings a huge smile to my face.

The name WildRock came about after one warm summer evening sipping Chardonnay at my favourite wine bar in Cape Town with my best friend, Lorraine (Rock), and two interesting gentlemen from New Zealand.


website development, search engine optimisation by ZAWebs Designs 

web hosting by ZAWebs Hosting